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Communication Skills Masterclass – Your Communication Guide

Communication Skill For Business Communication & Effective Communication In Workplace & Relationships.
Peter Alkema
5,311 students enrolled
English [Auto] More
Learn Theories, Models, and Principles Of Communication
Learn Oral Communication Best Practices, Techniques, and Tips
Understand the Concept Of 'Noise' in Communication
Learn the 7C's Of Communication Along with Bonus C's
Take Inspiration from Excellent Communicators and Learn their Techniques

Introduction to Communication Skills Online Course

Welcome to our Introduction to Communication Skills online course! This course is designed to help you develop your communication skills and effectively communicate with others in a variety of settings.

What is Communication?

Communication is the act of exchanging information, thoughts, or ideas through speaking, writing, or using some other medium. It is a fundamental skill that is essential for success in all aspects of life, including personal relationships, work, and school.

Effective Communication Skills

Effective communication skills are those that allow you to clearly and effectively convey your message to others, as well as effectively understand the messages of others. Some key components of effective communication skills include:

  • Verbal communication: This includes the words you use and how you say them. It involves speaking clearly and concisely, using appropriate language, and actively listening to others.

  • Nonverbal communication: This includes your body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. It is important to be aware of your nonverbal cues and how they may be interpreted by others.

  • Interpersonal skills: These are the skills that allow you to interact and connect with others, such as empathy, active listening, and conflict resolution.

  • Written communication: This includes emails, texts, and other written forms of communication. It is important to be clear and concise in your writing and to use proper grammar and spelling.

Why are Communication Skills Important?

Effective communication skills are important for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Building and maintaining relationships: Good communication is essential for building and maintaining relationships with others. It allows you to connect with others, express your needs and wants, and resolve conflicts.

  • Improving productivity: Clear communication can help improve productivity in the workplace by reducing misunderstandings and confusion.

  • Facilitating problem-solving: Effective communication skills allow you to work through problems and come up with solutions as a team.

  • Achieving personal and professional goals: Good communication skills can help you achieve your personal and professional goals by allowing you to effectively advocate for yourself and your ideas.

Effective communication skills are essential for success in all areas of life. This Introduction to Communication Skills online course will provide you

Key features of this course –

  • Get instant access to 100+ page workbook, follow along, and keep for reference

  • Introduce yourself to our community of students in this course and tell us your goals

  • Encouragement and celebration of your progress every step of the way: 25% > 50% > 75% & 100%

  • Over 14 hours of clear and concise step-by-step instructions, lessons, and engagement

In this course, I’ll teach you how to use email better, how to present to a group and in public, how to use messaging tools like Whatsapp and online meeting platforms like Teams & Zoom. I’ll teach you how to communicate verbally, in writing, and through images. You’ll also learn three principles of communication: storytelling, brevity, and clarity. In this course, there are downloadable resources, 1 on 1 lesson, wipe board presentations, and activities for you to practice what you have learned and put these lessons to the test so you achieve your goals. You will also learn how to engage more meaningfully with your boss and co-workers, how to get heard in meetings, and how to use social media more effectively.

You’ll get the following in this course:

  • Practical principles and techniques to help you communicate better in different contexts and with different audiences

  • Tips from my 25-year career of how I have communicated in meetings, presentations, with co-workers, and on projects

  • Email management techniques that will improve how you write emails, manage your inbox and stand out in other people’s inboxes

  • Tips for communicating better in online meetings so that you come across with credibility through engagement & contribution

  • Principles for group messaging, social media, and engaging larger groups to get action like attending events and opening attachments

  • Verbal communication principles so that you get heard more in settings such as 1:1, with your boss, co-workers, and colleagues

  • Activities in each section of the course as well as an assignment at the end of the course to help you achieve your goals

I guarantee that by the end of this course you will be a better communicator. Check out some of the lessons below, enroll and I’ll see you in the course. There are also lots of downloadable resources, activities, and an assignment that will get you taking practical steps to actually become the better communicator that you want to be.

Contents and Overview

You’ll start with

Clarity: Learn How To Communicate To Be Understood – 3 Top Tips;

Concise: Learn 3 Communication Tips For Brevity & Impact;

Concrete: Make Sure Your Communication Is “Grounded” In Reality;

Correct Communication: Learn How To Be Factful For Higher Impact;

Learn Coherent Communication With 5 Rules For Logic And Consistency;

Complete Communication: The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth;

Courteous Communication Will Set You Apart And Open Doors;

3 Ways To Communicate Effectively In A 1:1 Face To Face Interaction Or Meeting;

Effective Communication When You Speak To An audience (1 To Many);

The Interview: A Career-Critical Opportunity For Effective Communication;

Formal & Public Speaking: 9 Tips To Boost Your Performance; The Academic Conference Presentation To Your Peers & Profs!;

Oral Communication: 6 Tips For Telephone Calls And Customer Interaction;

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings: Yes You Can Make Them Effective;

Online Meetings: You’re On Mute! How To Max Your Mic;

Meaningful Communication: Take Your Message To The Next Level;

Learn The Medium (Types) Of Communication;

Learn More About The Medium (Types) Of Communication;

Mediums Of Communication: Learn How To Choose The Right One;

Mediums Of Communication: More Tips To Choose The Right One;

Microsoft Teams For Communication: 5 Hot Tips You Need To Know;

Zoom Meetings: Don’t Be A Post Pandemic Zoom Zombie;

The Message Really Matters In Communication: But What Is It Exactly;

Learn Mindful Communication: Don’t Be A Mindless Goldfish! Stay Present.

We will also cover

Linear Model Of Communication: Components & Factors;

Linear Model Of Communication: Learn Examples & Benefits;

The Aristotle Model Of Communication: Convincing Oratory;

Laswell’s Communication: 5 Part Model For Analysing Mass Communication;

Laswell’s Communication Model: A Practical Example To Explain;

Communication Models: Shannon Weaver’s Encoders, Decoders & Noise;

The Berlo Communication Model: Sender & Receiver;

The Berlo Communication Model: Message & Channel;

Learn The Interactive Communication Model: Encoder-Source-Decoder;

Learn The Interactive Communication Model: Noise, Barriers & Criticisms;

Osgood Schramm Model Of Circular Communication;

The Westley & Maclean Model Of Interpersonal & Mass Communication;

Understanding Others For Effective Communication: 5 Top Tips;

Learn 5 Ways To Start Understanding Others & Improve Your Communication;

Improve Your Communication: Be understood better;

Boost Your Communication Skills: Be understood better;

Be Understood Better To Communicate More Effectively;

Learn About Noise In Communication: Physiological Barriers;

Learn About Noise In Communication: Emotional Barriers;

Learn About Noise In Communication: Examples Of Emotional Barriers;

Noise & Communication: Overcoming Emotions – Anger, Pride, Anxiety;

Noise & Communication: Overcoming Emotions & Taking Responsibility;

Noise & Communication: Culture, Religion, Nationality;

Noise & Communication: Stereotypes, Prejudice, Signs & Symbols;

Overcoming Cultural Noise & Barriers To Achieve Effective Communication;

Achieve Effective Communication With The Right Approach To Cultural Barriers;

Noise – Communication Barriers in the workplace and how to overcome them;

Noise – barriers to communication in the workplace and overcoming them;

Noise – barriers to communication in the workplace – technology and grapevin;

Noise – dealing with multi-generational barriers to workplace communication;

Noise In workplace communication – mobile, data and technology.

This course will also tackle Internal business communication fosters improved collaboration and relations;

Internal business communication – What it is and why you need it;

Internal business communications – whose responsibility is it;

Internal business communications – Top Reasons Why You Can’t Ignore It;

Internal Communication Improves Employee Experience;

4 Internal Communication Challenges to Tackle;

Internal business communications – how you communicate with your team;

Content and relational communication – definitions and considerations;

Charismatic communication – Why do some people radiate confidence;

Charismatic communication – Developing charismatic communication skills;

Charismatic communicators are good storytellers;

Calls to action in communication – Why you need a CTA;

Calls to action in communication – 2 tips to write a killer CTA;

Calls to action in communication – 3 more tips to write a killer CTA;

Calls to action in communication – even more tips to write a killer CTA;

Collaborative communications to drive productivity and team work;

Top 10 Collaborative Communication Skills;

Academic Communication Theories – Discourse analysis;

Academic Communication Theories: Real World Applications Of Discourse analys;

Academic Communications Theories: What is Linguistics;

Academic Communication Theories: Mass communication;

Academic Theories: Types Of Mass communication – broadcast, radio;

Academic Communication Theories: Mass media – outdoor, transit and digital;

Academic Theories: Advantages Of Mass communication;

Academic Theories: Negatives Of Mass communication;

Academic Theories: Organizational communication – 4 Types;

Academic Communication Theories: Goals Of Organisational communication;

Academic Communication Theories – Pragmatics;

Academic Communication Theories: Semiotics; Academic Communication Theories: Sociolinguistics.

Then you’ll get extra bonus lessons

Technology & Trends: How Social Media has affected communication;

How Social Media has affected communication – boredom, consumption, social media;

How Social Media has affected communication – self-expression, urgency, value;

How Social Media has affected communication – #nofilter, 140 characters & emojis;

5 Ways Social Media has affected communication – community, audience & disruption;

Technology & Trends: Collaborative Communication Tools For Workplace & Teams;

Technology & Trends: Collaborative Communication Tools; Technology & Trends: wearable tech and communication;

Technology & Trends In Communication: Hey Google, Teach Me About AI;

Technology & Trends: Communication And Artificial Intelligence;

Technology & Trends In Communication: Omnichannel Communication;

Technology & Trends: 5 Benefits of omnichannel communication;

Inspiring Communicators: 4 famous communicators – Clinton, King, Churchill & Winfrey;

Inspiring Communicators: 3 more famous people – Lincoln, Mother Teresa Reagan;

Inspiring Communicators – Lady Gaga, Billy Graham and Kack Welch;

Inspiring Communicators: Business – Steve Jobs, Howard Schultz, Virginia Rometty;

Inspiring Communicators In Business – Warren Buffett, Christine Lagard;

Oops Communications – Worst Examples In Business – Wells Fargo;

Oops Communications – Worst Business Examples – Yahoo;

Oops Communications – Worst Examples Of History – Tragic Plane Crashes;

Oops Communications – Worst Examples – Environmental Catastrophes;

Oops Communications – Worst Examples – The Bombing Of Nagasaki;

Oops Communications – Worst Examples Of Global Brand Damage.

We can’t wait to see you in the course!

Enrol now, and we’ll help you improve your communication skills!

Salil Dhawan, Peter Alkema

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
4.4 out of 5
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16 hours on-demand video
1 article
Certificate of Completion