4.81 out of 5
1092 reviews on Udemy

[NEW] Ultimate AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01

Practice Exam included + explanations | Learn Artificial Intelligence | Pass the AWS AI Practitioner AIF-C01 exam!
Pass the AWS Certified AI Practitioner Certification AIF-C01
Practice Exam with Explanations included!
Learn the Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Generative AI
Learn the key AWS AI services, including a deep dive on Bedrock, Amazon Q and SageMaker
Learn Prompt Engineering
All 200+ slides available as downloadable PDF

This course covers the newest AIF-C01 exam.

Welcome! I’m here to help you prepare and PASS the newest AWS Certified AI Practitioner exam.


  • The course is based on the current information available online about the AIF-C01 exam

  • On August 13th, new exam information will be released by AWS

  • In the subsequent weeks, the course will be updated to reflect the new information

  • You will receive educational announcements that will summarize what has been added to the course

Beginners welcome: no need to know anything about AWS and Artificial Intelligence!

The AWS Certified AI Practitioner certification is a great entry-level certification for Artificial Intelligence on AWS. It’s great at assessing how well you understand AI on AWS: its services and its ecosystem.

I want to help YOU pass the AWS Certified AI Practitioner certification with flying colors.

This AWS Certified AI Practitioner course is different from the other ones you’ll find on Udemy. Dare I say, better (but you’ll judge!)

  • It covers in-depth all the AI topics on the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner AIF-C01 exam

  • It’s packed with practical knowledge on how to use AWS AI services inside and out

  • We are going to learn by doing

  • It teaches you how to prepare for the AWS exam

  • It’s a logical progression of topics, not a laundry list of random services

  • It’s fast-paced and to the point

  • It has professional subtitles

  • All 200+ slides available as downloadable PDF

This AWS Certified AI Practitioner course is full of opportunities to apply your knowledge:

  • There are many hands-on lectures in every section

  • There are quizzes at the end of every section

  • There’s an AWS Certified AI Practitioner practice exam at the end of the course

  • We’ll be using the AWS Free Tier whenever possible, and minimize cost where necessary

  • I’ll be showing you how to go beyond the AWS Free Tier (you know… the real world!)


My name is Stéphane Maarek, I am passionate about AI Computing, and I will be your instructor in this course. I teach about AWS certifications, focusing on helping my students improve their professional proficiencies in AWS.

I have already taught 2,500,000+ students and gotten 700,000+ reviews throughout my career in designing and delivering these certifications and courses!

With AWS becoming the centerpiece of today’s modern IT architectures, I’ve decided it’s time for students to learn how to be an AWS AI Practitioner. So, let’s kick start the course! You are in good hands!

This course also comes with:

  • Lifetime access to all future updates

  • A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section

  • Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download

  • A 30 Day “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee!

Join me in this course if you want to pass the AWS Certified AI Practitioner Exam and master the AWS platform!

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
4.8 out of 5
1092 Ratings

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6 hours on-demand video
4 articles
Certificate of Completion